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栽自新洲日报投资致富2017年11月6日第27页 |
- “人生有起落,年轻时应该多存钱”:也许你会说现在生活费高涨,哪还会有钱存啊?若你是这么想,你只是在为你自己找借口。许多事情事在人为,只是你要不要踏出第一步而已。以其怨天尤人,不如多看看已经达到财务自由的人的分享,去寻找哪些有用的点子加以调整用在自己身上。好好学习不是更好吗?我在开始工作时便开始储蓄并在25岁时开始学习投资。我不是天生就会投资的。我也失败过。但我丛错误中学习,也参考其他投资大师是如何投资的。从中我创造了自身的投资法则。这就是我前往财务自由的第一步。没有这一步,就没有今天的我。
- “存小钱守纪律,要求自己做到收支结余”:这是我的座右铭-“不在乎你赚多少,重点是你能存多少。”也许是我的性格,我年轻时鲜少外出,也不在外用餐。这为我省下了不少。只要没有入不敷出,就有钱存了。也许你会说这样的人生还有什么意思。我只能说人各有志吧!
- “投资戒之在急”:我在学习投资时是按部就班。一边学,一边设计出适合自己的投资方案。我不会因大市大起大落而影响。重点就是在学习过程中,我知道我该怎么做,而不是人云亦云。绵羊心里可是投资大忌。
- “趁早研究,先找方法再找机会”:如前所诉,我花了不少时间去创造我的投资策略。并通过实践加以证明其可行性。有参加我的投资课程的学员都知道我的其中一个投资策略是人弃我取。我会在人取时做好功课,以便在人弃时去捞宝。
- “赚大钱要先找出危机入市的进场点”:我的投资方案有分享到我是如何在人弃时,找到对的时机入场。要赚钱,低投资成本是关键。
- “懂得三种以上的投资工具”:只有不断学习,才能更好的设计自个儿的投资方案。千万不要人云亦云。
- “买屋优先考虑增值性”:我本身不直接投资房地产。原因是直接投资许不少的本钱和贷款。另一方面,直接投资的兑现能力叫不好。在我之前的文章里我有提出我为何不这样做。读过我的"Freedom"的读者都知道我是用另一种方式来投资房地产,既不用大手笔,有能有不错的收入。
- “不透支健康存摺”:健康是我们最大的财富。为了赚更多而牺牲自己的健康是最不划算的交易。为了得到身心平衡,我从不加班。我自个儿也规定自己每一周至少运动4日,每日至少1小时。运动不一定要花钱。我就选择了最不花钱的运动-跑步。我每一次都跑至少5公里。有时还会挑战自己在特定的时限内完成。这样对身心有益,又有成就感。自从在4年前和太太一起开始不吃晚餐,只吃燕麦后,我的体重就在一年后减了10kg。身体检查报告,尤其是胆固醇和尿酸都正常了。
- “人生无常需要足够保障”:保险很重要。但买保险可是一门不简单的学问。有许多人把保险误当成投资。保险的目的是提供保障,可别本末倒置。要有更好的回酬,学习投资是不二法门。既然保险的目的是提供保障,那么保费就是费用。对于费用,要存到钱,应该越低越好。对保险而言,我们应该要用最低的保费得到最大的保障。
- Infinite Wealth (无限的财富)- 这本书我分享我自创的投资方案。许多读者在阅读后都能理解到股票投资其实没风险。重点是我用这方法让我更快的达到财务自主。
- Freedom - 这本英文书讲述的是我如何进行财务管理来得到财务的。里边有谈及房屋投资,保险规划,黄金投资等等。最重要的是如何规划你的退休金。
- Investbursa网页 - 我在这网页教导学员如何运用Infinite Wealth里分享的方法来进行成功的股票投资。在课程里,我也有分享其他在书本里没提及的投资诀窍。
- "Life has ups and downs, you should save more when you are young:" Maybe you will say, with high living expenses now, how much could you save? If you are thinking like that , you are just giving excuses to yourself. Instead, why don't you look at those who have achieved financial freedom to look for useful ideas. When I started to work, I started saving and started studying investment at age 25. I'm not born as an invest guru. I failed too. But I learn from my mistakes while referring to other investment gurus on how to invest. During the process, I created my own investment strategies. This is my first step toward financial freedom.
- "Lives within your means": Here is my motto - "I do not care how much I could earn but how much I could save." When I was young, I rarely went out. I saved a lot from there. Maybe you might say what is the meaning of my life? For this, it is totally up to you. The option is yours.
- "Learn investment slow and easy": I learned step by step when I was studying investment. I design my own investment strategies during the process. I will not be easily affected by the stock market ups and downs. I know what I should do, not just following the crowd.
- "Look for investment targets": As I said before, I spent a lot of time to create my investment strategies with feasibility study. Anyone who has taken part in my investment course knows that one of my investment strategies is buying when the market is selling. I will do my homework first so that I could have cheap investment when people are selling.
- "Find the entry point during market crisis": My investment program is sharing how to identify the right time to enter. To make money, low investment costs are the key.
- "Know more than three kinds of investment tools": This could only be done via continuous learning.
- "Buy housing with value-added mindset": I do not directly invest in real estate. The reason is that I need a lot of capital and loans to do so. Further, real estate investment does not have good liquidity. Readers who read my "Freedom" know that I invest in real estate in another way with good return.
- "Take care of your health": Health is our greatest wealth. Sacrificing your health to make more is not the best deal. In order to get balance between body and mind, I never work overtime. I personally have workout at least 4 days a week for jogging. I run at least 5 kilometers each time. Sometimes I challenge myself to finish within a specific time frame. This is good for not only on body and mind, but also a sense of accomplishment. Since I started skipping dinner with my wife four years ago by having only oats instead, my weight has been reduced by 10kg after one year. My medical report are all normal since then.
- "To have adequate protection": Insurance is important. But buying insurance is not a simple science. Many people mistakenly treating insurance as investment. As a matter of fact, the purpose of insurance is to provide protection. To have a better return, learn how to invest is the best way. Since the purpose of insurance is to provide protection, the premium should be treated as cost. Therefore, it will be better if we could have low premium with high protection.
- Infinite Wealth - In this book, I share my very own investment strategies. After reading this book, many readers can actually understand that why stocks investment is actually risk-free.
- Freedom - This English title shows how I attain Financial Freedom via various investment vehicles such as stock investment, insurance planning, gold investment and so on.
- Investbursa Homepage - Here, I teach students how to use my methods shown in Infinite Wealth. I also share other investment tips that are not mentioned in my book.
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