Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Stock Investment Mindset

Have you ever wonder how many people you know are really making money in stock market?  I bet there are only just a few, if it is not none.  Sometime, you may see your friend claimed that he had make handsome profit in one day but his face turned sour in the other.  Why there are only a few manage to have profit from stock investment?  I believe the main reason is that those who loss money in stock investment do not have a correct mindset.  So, what should the correct mindset be in order to be success in stock investment?  Here, I would like to share some of my thoughts.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reader's Inquiry Regarding Financial Analysis of A Listed Company

Two days ago, I received an inquiry from one of my readers.  He is new in stock investment who has asked a very good question on stock investment.  That is, how to evaluate a newly listed company in terms of its financial performance.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thanks to All My Readers

Last Monday (5th November 2012 - 5 days after the launching of my new book, "FREEDOM"), I visited Harris Bookstore located at AEON Tebrau City, Johor Bahru.  When I first popped into the bookstore, I immediately headed to Harris Choice section to locate my book.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Release of My New Book: FREEDOM

I am glad to announce that my second English title, "FREEDOM", will be released on 1st November 2012 at all major bookstores around the country. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012



其实说不上什么心得。我 的经验是从错误中学习来的。我喜欢阅读有关股票投资书籍以吸取更多投资知识。但我发现许多所谓的投资册略多是一成不变而且也不是非常的实用。我的感觉是许多书籍通常是把简单的加 以复杂化。也许这样才能显现出他们的“不简单”吧。我要说的是投资其实一点也不复杂。所需要的只是要有清醒地思维及不要随众跟风,知道自己要的是什么。

Sunday, September 16, 2012




Sunday, September 9, 2012

Q&A on Dividend Yield & Present Value

A reader of mine inquiry me recently about the dividend yield which I highlight in my book.  The questions are very interesting and I would like to share them for the benefit of my readers.  Below Q&A are presented in its original form without editing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How Technical Chart Helps on Identifying Entry Timing of Mutual Fund and REITs?

Few months ago, I received an inquiry on asking my comment on applying analytical skill on Mutual Fund and Real Estate Investment Trust.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Case Study: Calculated Value for Wellcall (For Illustration Purpose Only)

A month ago, there was a reader asking me on how to utilize the my method on calculating the value of Mah Sing Group or Wellcall.

As my method of calculation involves in Cash Flow from Operation, after studying the cash flow statement of respective company, I realized the inconsistency of Mah Sing's cash flow from operation.  In particular, Mah Sing's recent financial statement shows negative cash flow which has make the calculation impossible.  Therefore, I decided to use Wellcall as an example.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Source of Financial Information for Public Listed Companies

When talking my Process #1 in "Infinite Wealth" on identifying good quality counters, a number of my readers are asking about where to get the historical prices for public listed companies.  Well, there are some web pages who are providing the required information for free while others might need you to pay to get it.  Here, I would like to share some web sites that I have been using for my stock investment analysis.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Should Be the Stock Investment Strategy Now?

Greeting to all my readers.

I know some of you might wonder what I have been doing for all these while.  Well, I am preparing my second book and it is expected to be released by 1st quarter of 2013.  My second book will share more information on investment and financial planning.  The aim of this book is to show you how to enjoy your life without worrying money.  I will keep you informed via my blog for the release of my 2nd book.

Since the release of my first book, "Infinite Wealth", I have been receiving a number of positive feedback from my readers.  Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all my readers for your support and I will strive my best to share my experience to benefit those who need it.

With the above mentioned mission in mind, for this post, I would like to share some of my thoughts on what should be the current stock investment strategy.