Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What & How to Do

If you attended any seminars, courses or workshops before, you may have a number of questions on how exactly to carry out what you have learned afterwards. Don’t worry, this is normal.

As a matter of fact, seminars, courses and workshops are mediums on telling you WHAT TO DO but not so much on HOW TO DO. For example, a money management seminar may tell you that you need to save for your retirement but it may not advise you how to save; a workshop may inform you how to do but you may still doubt about the feasibility of it.

Only ACTION (“HOW TO DO”) brings you result (“WHAT TO DO”). Therefore, it is important to seek for and/or design your very own ACTION (“HOW TO DO”). The logic is very simple: what is suitable to other might not suit you as you are unique. You may need to modify what you have learned to go with your sole context but not follow blindly on what others are doing. If you make a mistake or two during the learning process, make them become part of your experience, continue to learn in order to further refine your ACTION (“HOW TO DO”).

So, time is short, start to design you very own “HOW TO DO” now. Your ACTION will lead you to your SUCCESS.

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